Quantum-Ops retains strict Privacy Policies to safeguard all the personal information that our clients share with us. And, this is also to protect the privacy of our in-house staff and that of our whole enterprise. Down below is a categorical explanation of our Privacy Policies.

  • Disclaimer

    All the content, including text copy, images, videos, and promotional messages are copyrighted intellectual properties of Quantum-Ops. The contents are presented only for information purposes. Copying content from this website or representing any part of the website in any misleading or malicious manner would be counted as a breach of privacy and we will have the legal right to take any action against any incidents of Intellectual Property Infringement.

  • Visiting The Quantum-Ops Website

    We can track the IP Addresses of all visitors to the website www.quantum-ops.com. Other than the IP Address, we can also track the device you are using and we also monitor the web activity of our users, in order to improve our customer experience. For a more elaborate explanation read our Cookie Policy down below.

  • Privacy Of Our Users

    Quantum-Ops acknowledges that we do ask our clients as well as prospective clients for certain personal information, which, if they provide, will remain in the Quantum-Ops database for all time, even after we close a deal with the client.

  • What Information Do We Request Our Customers And Leads To Provide Us

    We don’t require any personal information about our website visitors. However, for those who have any inquiries or service requests, we urge them to sign up to our contact page. In your contact page, we need to add the following information.

    1. Name
    2. Email Address
    3. Phone Number (optional)
    4. Country of Location

    This is the basic information that we need to get to know our users. We generally do not require any banking details or other financial information. However, we may ask for billing and payment information at need-based situations, like for issuing refunds or rewards.

  • What Can We Do With Your Personal Information

    We use this information to keep a track record of our client base, and also to notify our customers if we have any promotional offers or special deals that they could use.

    We acknowledge that we never share the information that we source from our clients, with any third-party entity, or use it for any other purpose than to send notifications. We have ensured adequate safety measures to protect our databases.

    We are heavily guarded by digital processes that have a minimum requirement of manual handling, and thus it is virtually impossible for any sensitive information to get leaked from our system.

  • Exceptions When Quantum-Ops May Be Bound Or Willing To Share Your Information

    When we receive any court orders/subpoena and are legally persuaded to compromise certain information for the progress of a legal procedure, government regulation, or any other legal application.

    When we have solid evidence that the disclosure of certain information is crucial for the defense of either our website, our enterprise, or our customers and users. In our legal rights and legitimate interests, we may disclose any information from our client database only if it is justified for intercepting or preventing any fraudulent or malicious act.

  • Cookie Policy

    We acknowledge that We Use Cookies On Our Website that retain the personal preferences of our website visitors. This is for the purpose of enhancing the user experience and performance of our website. The cookies also let us know which device the user has and what pages you spent most of your time on.

    We use both Persistent Website Cookies and Session Cookies. Persistent Cookies that stay on the device of our users even after they have closed the website, but Session Cookies only remain active for the span that the user is logged in to our site.

    The cookies get accepted to your device automatically, until and unless the user has changed the browser settings to block cookies.

    Remember you can always delete unwanted cookies from the Cookies options in your browser settings.

  • Privacy Policy Changes

    We intend to clarify that we may change/remove/add our Privacy Policies. We may notify our existing customers about critical changes, whereas we may not be liable to do so at all times that we update our Privacy Policies. We urge our clients and visitors - Not To Take This Privacy Policy Page For Granted and to review this page from time to time.

  • Your Concerns Are Our Concerns Too

    For any Privacy oriented queries, grievances or suggestions If you have any questions related to this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

  • Address
  • Quantum-Ops
    13010 Morris Road,
    Building 1, Suite 650 Alpharetta GA, 30004,
    Phone: +1 404-902-7068
    Email: [email protected]
    [email protected]